
Inherited from cmsTemplateViewer
Implements interface_cmsBlock
Inherits BlogArchives, BlogCategories, ColumnText, CustomText, EUCookies, Featured, GallerySlideshow, GalleryTestimonial, GoogleAnalytics, LatestBlog, LoginBox, Menus, Popular, SearchBox

Protected Attributes

protected $block_name 
protected $original_block_name 
protected $config 
protected $block_relative_directory 
protected $cacheSystem 

Public Methods

public __construct($block_name, $config)
public recordLog(string $message, string $type='info')
Record System Log. Type can be info, error, warning, or debug $SystemLog
public arraygetConfiguration()
Get configuration from the database
public boolisCachingEnabled()
Returns true if it has int_cache_result_seconds config key and if it is set to greater than 0
public viewCachedRun()
View cached result
public boolRun()
Run this block