
Inherited from cmsApplication_ManyToMany

Protected Attributes

protected $data_directories= array( 'image_original' => '/media/articles/original', 'image_thumbnail' => '/media/articles/thumbnail', 'image_small' => '/media/articles/small', 'image_medium' => '/media/articles/medium', 'image_large' => '/media/articles/large', )
protected $default_sizes= [ 'thumbnail' => ['width' => 256

Protected Methods

protected stringcreateThumbnailForImageUpload(array $datavalues, string $file_upload_var_name, string $datavalues_key=NULL)
Create thumbnail for uploaded images

Public Methods

public __construct()
public getBlogImage(string $image_size, string $path, bool $with_hash=false)
Returns the URL of an image
public viewItemByID(int $id=1, bool $from_cache=false)
Loads the item and display it with view.item.template.php
public boolean|stringgetFullPathByItemID(type $item_id, $force_cid)
public arraygetItemMetaOptionKeys()
Returns an array containing on array of item options. The values of the options will still be evaluated as a flat list array, however it is sectioned into array with the following keys: header, value, type, and options. Label: section title (not used for any evaluationType: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of thisKey: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the optionsOptions: an array with 2 keys: label and key Label: section title (not used for any evaluation Type: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of this Key: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the options Options: an array with 2 keys: label and key
public arraygetCategoryMetaOptionKeys()
Returns an array containing on array of category options. The values of the options will still be evaluated as a flat list array, however it is sectioned into array with the following keys: header, value, type, and options. Label: section title (not used for any evaluationType: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of thisKey: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the optionsOptions: an array with 2 keys: label and key Label: section title (not used for any evaluation Type: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of this Key: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the options Options: an array with 2 keys: label and key
public arraygetMainpageMetaOptionKeys()
Returns an array containing on array of main page options. In this base class, the key is almost similar to getCategoryMetaOptionKeys The values of the options will still be evaluated as a flat list array, however it is sectioned into array with the following keys: header, value, type, and options. Label: section title (not used for any evaluationType: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of thisKey: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the optionsOptions: an array with 2 keys: label and key Label: section title (not used for any evaluation Type: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of this Key: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the options Options: an array with 2 keys: label and key
public RSS()
public JSON_FEED()
public bool|array String arraygetValidationErrorListBeforeSaveItem($data)
Validates save item. If there's an error, it will return an array with one or more error string, otherwise it will return a boolean true $CurrentUser
public onAfterSaveItem(array $datavalues, array $original_datavalues, array $previous_item, array $retval)
Do something after item has been saved
public getImageSizeNames()
public getDefaultSizes()
public modifyDataValuesBeforeSaveItem(array $datavalues)
Override default modify item data before save
public modifyDataValuesBeforeSaveCategory(array $datavalues)
Override default modify item data before save
public getDefaultCategoryID()
public fullTextSearch($keyword, $sortby='', $sortdirection='ASC')
public stringcreateFriendlyURL(string $str)
create SEO friendly URL. Format is action={...}¶m1={....}¶m2={...}
public viewMainPage($pg=1)
public viewArchives(int $year, int $month, int $day, int $page, string $sortby='date_created', string $sortdir='DESC')
View blog archives by year, month, and optionally day. $SystemDB
public arrayinterpretFriendlyURL(string $urlpath)
Returns an array of command, given $urlpath.
public getMonthAndYearArchives()
public booleanRun(string $command)
Runs command. If return value is true, then it will be displayed as a full page If return value is false, AJAX method is assumed