
Inherited from cmsApplication_HierarchicalTree_List

Protected Attributes

protected $default_editor_name 

Protected Methods

protected stringgenerateSitemapURLs()
Generate sitemap URLs for file list type $SystemConfig
protected getImageListDescription($file)
protected booleancheckPrivilege(bool $for_privileged_user)
Check access to links, images, and files $CurrentUser

Public Methods

public __construct()
public viewMainPage()
Frontend: view the main page. Usually loads view.main.template.php
public boolCheckIfCurrentUserAllowedAccess()
Check if user allowed access to full list $SystemConfig $CurrentUser
public viewFileList(bool $for_privileged_user=false)
View full file list - only for those who have access to the backend
public boolviewImageList(bool $for_privileged_user=false)
View full image list $CurrentUser
public booleanRun(string $command)
Runs command. If return value is true, then it will be displayed as a full page If return value is false, AJAX method is assumed