
Inherited from cmsApplication_CategorizedList

Protected Attributes

protected $element_ul_class 
protected $element_li 
protected $element_ul 
protected $submenu_icon 
protected $tmpstore= []

Protected Methods

protected setOutputHTMLElements()

Public Methods

public __construct()
public refreshAllMenuLinks($force=false)
public getMenuArrayByCategoryID($category_id, $active_only=false)
public arraymodifyDataValuesBeforeSaveItem(array $datavalues)
Before save item
public onAfterSaveItem(array $datavalues, $original_datavalues, $previous_item, array $retval)
Modify some stuff $SystemDB

Public Static Methods

public static -1 if it's not anywhere, or an integer of the menu idgetCurrentMenuID()
Get the current menu ID based on the URL entered, e.g. and if it's in the menu it will return that ID from gk_menu_items table
public static -1 if it's not anywhere, or an integer of the menu idgetCurrentMenuInformation()
Get the current menu ID based on the URL entered, e.g. and if it's in the menu it will return that ID from gk_menu_items table