
Inherited from cmsTemplateViewer
Implements interface_cmsApplication_Basic
Inherits Admin, Core, Core_Captcha, Core_Help, Core_SCHLIXUpdater, Search, simpleSitemap, cmsApplication_List

Protected Attributes

protected $hook_priority= 10
protected $disable_frontend_runtime= false
protected $has_versioning= false
protected $has_custom_media_header= false
protected $has_custom_fields= true
protected $app_name 
protected $app_description 
protected $disable_app_description_in_page_title= false
protected $cache 
protected $has_logged_in_user_main_page= false
protected $data_directories= NULL
protected $config= null
protected $disable_app 
protected $schlix_master_class= NULL
protected $data_entities= []

Protected Methods

protected setEntity(type $entity_name, \SCHLIX\cmsSQLQueryBuilder $sqltable)
Set the entity (can be a table, or join table, etc)
protected resetBreadCrumbs()
Reset the breadcrumb for this app
protected addToBreadCrumbs(string $name, string $link)
Adds a name and link to breadcrumb
protected probeFriendlyURLDestination($urlpath)
protected getStartAndEndForItemPagination($pg=1, $perpage=DEFAULT_FRONTEND_ITEMS_PERPAGE, $itemscount)
protected booleansetTable(string $table_alias, string $real_table_name)
Set the property of $this->table_{$table_alias} to an instantiated class of cmsSQLTable

Public Methods

public __construct($app_description)
public intgetHookPriority()
Returns the hook priority
public $sqltablegetEntity(string $entity_name)
Return the entity (can be a table, or join table, etc)
public arraygetPersonalDataByUserID(int $user_id)
GDPR - returns an array of personal data by email
public arraygetPersonalDataByEmail($email_address)
GDPR - returns an array of personal data by email
public removePersonalDataByUserID(int $user_id, string $request_guid)
GDPR - remove personal data by email
public removePersonalDataByEmail(string $email_address, string $request_guid)
GDPR - remove personal data by email
public stringgetOriginalFullApplicationAlias()
Returns the original full application alias
public stringgetFullApplicationAlias()
Returns the full application alias, e.g. users.history, for the the purpose of SEO URL
public objectcreateSubClassInstance(string $sibling)
Create a sub class instance. e.g. Newsletters_Admin > Newsletters_Queues
public createMasterClassInstance()
public stringcreateMasterClassFriendlyURL(string $str)
Create master class friendly URL
public stringcreateSiblingClassFriendlyURL($sibling, string $str)
Create sibling class friendly URL
public stringgetDataDirectoryRelativePath(string $key)
Return the relative path to CURRENT_SUBSITE_PATH of a specific data directory as defined in the $this->data_directory protected variable
public getDataDirectoryFullPath(type $key)
Return the directory path to CURRENT_SUBSITE_PATH of a specific data directory as defined in the $this->data_directory protected variable
public stringgetDataDirectoryURLPath(string $key)
Return the absolute URL path of a specific data directory as defined in the $this->data_directory protected variable
public stringgetDataFileRelativePath(string $key, string $filename)
Return the relative path to CURRENT_SUBSITE_PATH of a file as defined in the $this->data_directory protected variable
public stringgetDataFileFullPath(string $key, string $filename)
Return the full file path of a file inside $this->data_directory[$key]
public stringgetDataFileURLPath(string $key, string $filename)
Return encoded absolute URL path of a file inside $this->data_directory[$key]
public stringgetDataFileURLPathWithHash(string $key, string $filename)
Return encoded absolute URL path of a file inside $this->data_directory[$key]
public arrayinitializeDataDirectories()
Creates all the folder as defined in $this->data_directory if not exists. Returns a string array of errorlist, or an empty/null array if there's no error $SystemLog
public arraygetDataDirectories()
Returns a key-value array of data directories as defined in $this->data_directories
public boolisFrontendRuntimeDisabled()
Returns true if this application is a backend only app The value is set from $this->disable_frontend_runtime
public stringgetAjaxControllerScript()
Get the ajax controller default script file name.
public boolhasVersioning()
Returns true if versioning is enabled
public hasAuthenticatedUserMainPage()
public boolhasCustomMediaHeader()
Returns true if custom media header allowed
public recordLog($message, $type='info')
public logError($message)
public logInfo($message)
public logWarning($message)
public redirectToOtherAction(string $action, string $protocol=OPT_REDIRECT_DEFAULT)
Redirects to internal action, e.g. /action/myaction. Protocol can be OPT_REDIRECT_DEFAULT or OPT_REDIRECT_HTTPS or OPT_REDIRECT_HTTP
public declarePageLastModified($date)
public stringdisplayBreadCrumbs(string $separator=' »')
Displays the breadcrumb
public arraygetRawBreadCrumbs()
Get raw breadcrumbs array
public arraygetBreadCrumbsArray()
Returns an array of HTML link of breadcrumbs Deprecatedsince version 2.2.0 since version 2.2.0
public mixedgetConfig(string $key, string $default_value=FALSE)
Returns a config value from key for this app Note: this function has been changed as of July 2019. To get the master config, use getMasterConfig method instead. $SystemConfig $CurrentUser
public mixedsetConfig(string $key, string $value)
Set a config value for this app. Note: this function has been changed as of July 2019. To set the master config, use setMasterConfig method instead. $SystemConfig
public mixedgetMasterConfig(string $key, string $default_value=FALSE)
Returns a config value from key for the master app $SystemConfig $CurrentUser
public mixedsetMasterConfig(string $key, string $value)
Set a config value for this app $SystemConfig
public typegetApplicationName()
Returns the application name
public getApplicationNameOnly()
public typegetOriginalApplicationDescription()
Returns the application description not from the database
public stringgetApplicationDescription()
Returns the application description from database. If it's empty, then the default application description set in the class will be used instead
public boolprocessDataOutputWithMacro(array $data, string $function_name, array $extra_info=NULL)
Change output data $Macros
public displayPageTitle()
Outputs the page title
public displayPageMetaDescription()
Outputs the page meta description
public displayPageMetaKeywords()
Outputs the page metta keywords
public viewAuthenticatedUserAuthenticationPage()
public viewAuthenticatedUserMainPage()
public viewMainPage()
Frontend: view the main page.
public arrayinterpretFriendlyURL(string $urlpath)
Returns an array of command, given $urlpath.
public stringcreateFriendlyURL(string $str)
create SEO friendly URL. Format is action={...}¶m1={....}¶m2={...}
public arraygetItemPagination(int $pg, int $pages, string $new_url_query_string, bool $friendly=true)
Returns an array of paging items Deprecatedsince version 2.2.0 since version 2.2.0
public arraygetItemPaginationArray(int $pg, int $pages, string $new_url_query_string, bool $friendly=true)
Returns an array of paging items
public displayItemPagination($pg, $pages, $new_url_query_string, $friendly=true)
public setPageTitle(string $title)
Set the current page title
public stringgetPageTitle()
Returns the current page title, HTML-encoded UTF-8
public stringgetPageMetaDescription()
Returns the page meta description
public stringgetPageMetaKeywords()
Returns the page meta keywords
public setPageMetaDescription(string $meta_description)
Set the page meta description
public setPageMetaKeywords(string $meta_keywords)
Set the page meta keywords
public arraytranslateMetaOptions(string $serialized_options)
Given a serialized string coded from an array of key/value pair, returns a translated array containing the option
public RunAjax($command)
public booleanRun(string $command)
Runs command. If return value is true, then it will be displayed as a full page If return value is false, AJAX method is assumed