
Inherited from cmsApplication_CategorizedList
Implements interface_cmsApplication_HierarchicalTree_List
Inherits Contacts, Core_MediaManager, Gallery, Html, cmsApplication_ManyToMany

Protected Attributes

protected $mode 
protected $field_category_parent_id 
protected $view_template_category_file= 'view.category.nested'

Public Methods

public __construct($app_description, $table_items, $table_categories)
public intgetDefaultCategoryID()
Return the default category ID for save item operation. Returns 0 in this class $SystemDB
public stringgetFieldCategoryParentID()
return Category's Parent ID field name
public getTotalChildCategoryCountByCategoryID($parent_cid, $criteria='', $cache=false)
public getBreadCrumbsByCategoryID($cat_id)
public getBreadCrumbsByItemID($item_id)
public stringgetFullPathByItemID(int $item_id)
Returns the path given item ID. e.g. /folder1/folder2/item.html $SystemDB
public stringgetFullPathByCategoryID(int $cat_id)
Returns the full path with trailing slash of current category. e.g. /folder1/folder2/ $SystemDB
public getChildCategoriesByParentID($id, $fields=' *', $extra_criteria='', $start, $end, $sortby='', $sortdirection='ASC', $from_cache=false)
public arraygetAllParentsByCategoryID(int $category_id)
Returns an array of all parent categories for this category
public getChildCategoriesByParentIDWithChildCount($id, $fields=' *', $extra_criteria='', $start, $end, $sortby='', $sortdirection='ASC', $from_cache=false)
public booleanviewCategoryByID(int $id=1, int $pg=1, string $sortby='', string $sortdirection='ASC', bool $from_cache=false, string $standard_criteria='status, )
View Category By ID
public traverseCategories($catid)
public arraygetCategoryMetaOptionKeys()
Returns an array containing on array of category options. The values of the options will still be evaluated as a flat list array, however it is sectioned into array with the following keys: header, value, type, and options. Label: section title (not used for any evaluationType: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of thisKey: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the optionsOptions: an array with 2 keys: label and key Label: section title (not used for any evaluation Type: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of this Key: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the options Options: an array with 2 keys: label and key
public stringpreventDuplicateValueInCategoryTableUnderParentCategory(string $fieldname, string $possible_duplicate, int $cid, int $parent_id)
Returns a new name if there's an item with the same name in the specified $fieldname $SystemDB
public delete(string $mixed_items_to_delete)
Delete objects. Parameter $mixed_items_to_delete is a category/item comma separated values e.g. c5,c6,c9,i4,i14 $SystemDB
public arraygetMainpageMetaOptionKeys()
Returns an array containing on array of main page options. The values of the options will still be evaluated as a flat list array, however it is sectioned into array with the following keys: header, value, type, and options. Label: section title (not used for any evaluationType: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of thisKey: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the optionsOptions: an array with 2 keys: label and key Label: section title (not used for any evaluation Type: checkboxgroup, dropdownlist, or none. If none, then it means there are suboptions which contain another array of this Key: the key option. Please note that checkboxgroup doesn't have a key since the keys are in the options Options: an array with 2 keys: label and key