
Inherits cmsWysiwygEditor

Public Methods

public ensureDefaultProfilesExist()
Ensure default profiles exists $WYSIWYGEditor
public arraygetDefaultProfileResetSettings(string $reset_profile_name)
Returns an array of default config key/value array. Profile name can be simple, full, etc...
public typegetListOfExtensions(string $from, string $type)
Returns a list of extensions, where $from is either 'system' or 'user' and $type can be any subdirectory within it, e.g. plugins, themes, languages
public stringgetExtensionFullPath(string $from, string $type, string $item='')
Returns extension path, where $from is either system or user, $type is the subdirectory, and $item is the specific extension
public stringgetExtensionURLPath(string $from, string $type, string $item='')
Returns extension URL path, where $from is either system or user, $type is the subdirectory, and $item is the specific extension
public arrayonModifyDataBeforeSaveConfig(array $datavalues)
Modify data before save item $CurrentUser
public stringgetUncachedConfigurationScript()
Returns the configuration script, uncached
public booleanviewInitScript()
Generate config