
Inherited from cmsWysiwygEditor

Protected Attributes

protected $default_profiles= ['ckeditor4-full' => ['title' => 'CKEditor4 Full Featured'

Protected Methods

protected stringforceDefaultConfigOptions(array $options)
The options specified here cannot be modified by user configuration

Public Methods

public arraygenerateConfigurationArrayFromConfig()
Returns a key/value array from the config. If the config key contains a prefix of str_config_ or bool_config_ or int_config_, then it will be moved into 'processed' key in the result array, otherwise it will be moved to 'unprocessed' key
public arraygetCKEditorSystemPlugins()
Returns an array of CKEditor default build plugins
public arraygetExtraExtensionButtons()
Return extension folders
public stringmodifyUnprocessedConfig(string $array_config)
Given $array_config containing 2 keys: unprocessed and processed, process them and move it to $array_config['processed']
public arraygetPossibleContentCSSFiles()
Returns an array of possible CSS files that can be used for content_css
public arrayonModifyDataBeforeSaveConfig(array $datavalues)
Modify data before save item $CurrentUser
public onAfterSaveConfig(int $profile_id)
After config has been saved
public arraygetDefaultProfileResetSettings(string $reset_profile_name)
Returns an array of default config key/value array. Profile name can be simple, full, etc...
public stringgenerateConfigurationScriptFromConfigArray(array $config)
Generate configuration script
public stringgetUncachedConfigurationScript()
Returns the configuration script, uncached
public booleanviewInitScript()
View init script