
Inherited from cmsWysiwygEditor

Protected Attributes

protected $default_profiles= ['codemirror-php' => ['title' => 'CodeMirror PHP'

Protected Methods

protected stringforceDefaultConfigOptions(array $options)
The options specified here cannot be modified by user configuration

Public Methods

public arraygenerateConfigurationArrayFromConfig()
Returns a key/value array from the config. If the config key contains a prefix of str_config_ or bool_config_ or int_config_, then it will be moved into 'processed' key in the result array, otherwise it will be moved to 'unprocessed' key
public stringmodifyUnprocessedConfig(string $array_config)
Given $array_config containing 2 keys: unprocessed and processed, process them and move it to $array_config['processed']
public arraygetPossibleContentCSSFiles()
Returns an array of possible CSS files that can be used for content_css
public arrayonModifyDataBeforeSaveConfig(array $datavalues)
Modify data before save item $CurrentUser
public onAfterSaveConfig(int $profile_id)
After config has been saved
public arraygetDefaultProfileResetSettings(string $reset_profile_name)
Returns an array of default config key/value array. Profile name can be simple, full, etc...
public stringgetUncachedConfigurationScript()
Returns the configuration script, uncached
public booleanviewInitScript()
View init script