Bug Reports

HELP!! Clicked system update to upgrade to 2.1.1-4 and got a pink error

jancity ·
Hello, I've just upgraded my site to 2.1.1-4 from 2.0.7 and now got a pink error. Luckily this is only my dev site. Screenshot attached. A quick answer is appreciated, thank you.

prana ·
Hi Jancity,

You can fix this with a manual upgrade:

1. Extract schlix-cms-v2.1.1-5.zip
2. Copy the file schlix/install/upgrade.php to the site root directory
3. Create a new PHP file with the following content (e.g. manual-upgrade.php)
// Content of manual-upgrade.php



$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_database = 'your_database_name';
$db_username = 'your_database_username';
$db_password = 'your_database_password';


4. Change the variable $db_host, $db_database, $db_username, $db_password
to match your site database configuration (you can find it in your subsite
e.g. /web/main/config.inc.php if your subsite name is 'main' (default)
5. Upload both files (upgrade.php and manual-upgrade.php) to the root folder of your site via FTP or SSH
6. Open your web browser and run it http://www.yoursite.com/manual-upgrade.php
7. Delete both files