First Docker image of SCHLIX CMS has been released

The first Docker image of SCHLIX CMS has been released. You can view our repository here:

The image is running Ubuntu 16.04 with Apache 2.4, PHP7, MySQL5.7 and you can either use the command line or Kitematic (Docker Toolbox) to install it. When you pull the image, it will install the latest version of SCHLIX CMS. The minimum version compatible with Docker is v2.0.6, which has been released alongside with this Docker image.

To install the image with Kitematic, simply search for SCHLIX, and then click Create.

Docker installation

The image will then be downloaded to your machine:

Docker installation

Follow the installation instruction in the Container Logs:

Docker Kitematic log

Then once you are done, click on Web Preview. You can configure the ports here:

Docker Port

Category:  General News