May 2020 update - Schtore e-commerce extension release delay and COVID-19


It has been a little over 3 months since we last released v2.2.2-1 in late January and we finally had the chance to provide some news. First of all, we'd like to apologize for the slower responses for forum replies as well as commercial support between February until April. Even though all of our team members have already been working remotely since 2 years ago, the "new normal" still required some adjustments. COVID-19 took us by surpise and we were scrambling for alternative arrangements for many things, so work stopped for nearly 5 weeks and hence we delayed the release of our e-commerce extension (Schtore). Things are somewhat returning to almost normal now and our response time should be better now.

We realize that everyone is in this together and that there are others who experience even more hardship, so back in April we made a small donation of $2020.04 to Boyle Street Community Service, a non-profit organization for the homeless in the city of Edmonton. Homeless people are very vulnerable in this kind of situation and deserve our help.


Schtore is our new e-commerce extension. It's quite massive (custom user-defined table fields, 127 tax rules for different countries (including EU), complete list of currencies and countries (down to the city level, user privacy features, etc). Initially, Schtore will contain the following payment plugins:

  • Paypal Express (global)
  • Braintree (global)
  • Stripe (global)
  • Alipay (China)
  • Moneris (we've only tested the Canadian version, not the US version)
  • Xendit (Indonesia) - as requested in the forum

Shipping plugins:

  • Canada Post
  • Postmen
  • Rajaongkir

There's not that many shipping modules when we release it for the first time, but Postmen should cover most of it.

We may need a volunteer who's willing to test our the EU tax rules.

Schtore Beta - screenshot 1

Schtore Beta - screenshot 2

Schtore Beta - screenshot 5

Schtore Beta - screenshot 4

Please note that this is the temporary layout. It may change once we really release this for general public availability.

Category:  General News