View templates customization

To customize application/block/macro view templates (the files with extension .template.php), do not overwrite the core files in /system as they will get overwritten again after automatic updates. Instead, modify the files in your site theme folder or your main web folder.

For example: if you want to modify rss.template.php and view.item.template.php and your site currently use a template called "html5demo", copy the two files that you'd like to modify and put it under that folder. Please see the following screenshot for more details.

Modifying a custom view template in SCHLIX CMS

All view templates end with .template.php extensions and these files can be customized from your site. To override a specific application, block, macro, or theme, simply create a directory with the same module name in your /web/.

e.g. If you'd like to customize the view.main.template.php in /system/apps/blog/ directory, put a new replacement in /web/{your-site-name}/apps/blog/view.main.template.php. For example:

  • /web/{your-site-name}/apps/blog/blog.class.php
  • /web/{your-site-name}/apps/blog/view.main.template.php

If you have multiple themes and would like to customize the template per theme, you can also put it in /web/{your-site-name}/themes/{your-theme-name}/apps/blog/view.main.template.php.

The view template lookup is in the following order:

  1. Your theme folder
    e.g. /web/{your-site-name}/themes/{your-theme-name}/apps/blog/view.main.template.php
  2. Plugin folders
    e.g. /web/{your-site-name}/apps/blog/view.main.template.php
  3. System folder
    e.g. /system/blog/view.main.template.php

 You should always put the following statement before anything else in your view template file for security purpose.

<?php if (!defined('SCHLIX_VERSION')) die('No Access'); ?>

The purpose is to prevent direct access of the PHP file. e.g.